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How much prison time would a young man get for a home invasion inTexas & someone did get shot but they lived ?!

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Q: How much prison time do you get with a home invasion in Texas?
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It costs about 35,000.

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How much jail time do you get for home invasion?

15 years

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Crimes such as murder, armed robbery, sexual assault, drug trafficking, fraud, and certain white-collar crimes can result in a prison sentence, depending on the severity and the laws of the country or state where the crime occurred.

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It would cost your life in prison without parole

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That would depend on what prison they're in, in states such as Cali, Texas, Arizona & Oregon, yeah Nuestra Familia has very large numbers, in other areas, not so much.

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The Invasion grossed $40,147,042 worldwide.

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Nelson Cruz hit 33 home runs in 2009 for the Texas Rangers.

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It may depend on your prior criminal record, but for that offense alone you could be looking at upwards of 15 years in prison.

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The Invasion grossed $15,074,191 in the domestic market.

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i will make 30,000 a year at a new job in much do I bring home a month after taxes and social security