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The short answer is, "Not a lot, providing that nothing goes wrong for a time much longer than human history."

Nuclear power is a source of carbon dioxide, a global warming gas, as a result of the mining, refining, enriching and transportation of fuel, the construction of the plant, the decommissioning of the plant, and whatever handling of nuclear waste we eventually decide to do. Its production of carbon dioxide per unit of power produced is much lower than that of fossil fuels, even when they are used in the most efficient ways known. By contrast such processes as burning methane from sewage, landfills, and farms is said to be carbon-negative because the pollution it creates is nowhere nearly as bad as the pollution it destroys.

Nuclear power also creates radioactive waste, which can pollute when it is accidentally released, and this can have a very considerable environmental effect as well as economic. The Chernobyl disaster rendered large tracts of land unusable for any purpose for years, and smaller tracts unusable for centuries. For many years, 20% of the GNP of Belarus went into cleanup. There were agricultural losses over a thousand miles away, in places considered to be upwind.

The radioactive waste also has to be stored safely for about six million years before it is as safe to handle as naturally occurring uranium ore, which is not really very safe to handle. There are about seventy thousand tons of this waste in existence at this point, and the plutonium in this waste has been calculated to be sufficient to kill all animal life on earth several times over. We have to consider the possibility that some of this will be released as part of the understanding of nuclear pollution.

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Nuclear energy production does not directly emit greenhouse gases or air pollutants. However, the nuclear fuel cycle and waste management do produce some pollution, such as radioactive waste. Proper handling and management of these byproducts are essential to minimize environmental impact.

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