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1 Millirem. Which is less than their yearly dose.

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Q: How much radiation was given to the people after the TMI accident?
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How much radiation does the sun produce?

The sun produces various types of radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. The total radiation output of the sun is about 3.8 x 10^26 watts.

Do clouds reflect sun's radiation?

Yes, clouds can reflect incoming solar radiation due to their high albedo, which is the measure of how much sunlight is reflected off a surface. This reflection can have a cooling effect on the Earth's surface by reducing the amount of solar radiation that reaches it.

What instrument measures radiation in space?

A Geiger counter or a dosimeter can be used to measure radiation in space. These instruments detect the presence and intensity of various types of radiation, such as gamma rays or cosmic rays, that can be found in space.

Do people use the radiation from the sun for anything?

Yes, people use the radiation from the sun to generate solar energy through solar panels. This energy can be used to power homes, businesses, and even vehicles. Additionally, the sun's radiation is essential for photosynthesis in plants, which forms the basis of the food chain.

What a star's diameter and radiation?

A star's diameter can vary greatly depending on its size and stage of life, ranging from a few hundred thousand kilometers to over a billion kilometers for supergiant stars. Regarding radiation, stars emit energy as electromagnetic radiation across a broad spectrum, with the majority being in the form of visible light and infrared radiation, as well as ultraviolet, X-rays, and radio waves.

Related questions

How does temperature effect how much radiation is given off?

Temperature affects the amount of radiation emitted by an object. As temperature increases, the intensity of radiation given off also increases. This is because higher temperature causes atoms and molecules to vibrate more, resulting in higher energy radiation being emitted.

Did the Japanese meant to kill so much people?

no... it was an accident

How long will it take for radiation in chernobyl to fade?

It is estimated that it will take around 20,000 years for the area around Chernobyl to return to normal background radiation levels. However, the most dangerous radioactive isotopes decay much more quickly, significantly reducing radiation levels within the first few decades after the accident.

How much radiation was released from the chernobyl accident?

The Chernobyl nuclear disaster released an estimated 400 times more radiation than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It is difficult to quantify the exact amount of radiation released, but it is estimated to be around 100 times more than the combined releases from the atomic bombings and the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Can a car get wrecked in an accident going 10mph?

Sure. It won't be much of an accident but it can be an accident.

Why do people working around radioactive waste in a radioactive storage facility wear badges that contain strips of photographic film?

The film in the badges changes colour when radiation hits it. By looking at the badges, the people wearing them can tell how much radiation they have been exposed to. They have different strips of film for different types of radiation, so they are not only able to tell how much radiation someone has been exposed to, but also what type of radiation. Its basically a safety measure to ensure that workers are not exposed to excessive levels of radiation emitted from the waste.

Can there be two different police report of accident one given to the parties and another given to insurance company?

Generally speaking, no. It usually takes at least a few days for the report to be completed so whatever you get at the scene of the accident won't be much. Whatever the insurance company got from the police, you should be able to get it too.

How do waves affect people?

They can harm you if you use phones too much radiation comes of the phone and can hurt you.

What is the disadvantage of drinking too much?

well if you drink too much you can have a car accident, people can take bad advantage from you. For example, they are a lot of teens girls who get drunk and after they had sex with other people that they never know who are them... well if you drink too much you can have a car accident, people can take bad advantage from you. For example, they are a lot of teens girls who get drunk and after they had sex with other people that they never know who are them...

What is Transmissibility of radiation?

Is how much radiation goes through a material.

What is the proper way to get an average of doses radiation?

I guess you are talking about how much radiation you can absorb in a given time. usually you express this in term of dose, that is how much time you have been exposed to a specific radiation. so, you just add the doses you have been exposed to. if you reach 1mSv/year for work reasons and you aren't part of a special team, you should start to worry about this. If you are a worker which is occupationally exposed to radiation, you should not reach the 20mSv/year threshold.

What type of radiation from computer?

Just EMI radiation, and these days, not much