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Q: How much salmonella do you get sick from?
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When the geckos bite you will you get salmonella in you and get sick?

No you will not get sick.

What does salmonella do?

Make you sick

Do guys get stomach cramps?

If they get sick enough, such as from salmonella or rotavirus.

Can eubacteria make you sick?

Yes, eubacteria can make you very sick. Salmonella is the worst type of sickness that a person can get from eubacteria.

What two germs that usually make you sick?

Two of the more common germs that make you sick are from food. They are E. coli and salmonella.

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Is it possible to develop an immunity to Salmonella?

Although one cannot be completely immune to salmonella, humans can develop resistances against it. Whether you get sick or not from eating foods infected with salmonella depends upon your bodies inherent and developed resistance against it and the strain of salmonella in the food you are consuming.

Why do duck eggs make some people sick?

Certain Peope are allergic to the proteins in the white of the duck egg which are entirely different from hose in a chicken egg

Does hamster feces contain salmonella?

Under normal circumstances no, but if you ingest the hamster feces you can get sick.

Can you get salmonela twice?

Yes, salmonella is not a disease or condition; it is a bacterial infection. If you eat uncooked chicken and become sick from salmonella, recover from it, but then eat salad contaminated with salmonella, you can be sick again. Cooks should never put any other foods near uncooked chicken. Cooks should also keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot to avoid this type of food posioning.

How much Alcohol will kill salmonella?


Can you get food poisoning when you eat raw eggs?

==== ==== Raw eggs are a source of Salmonella (which can cause food poisoning). Salmonella has no taste or smell.