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Q: How much saturated fats in butter?
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Is butter high in unsaturated fat?

Saturated. Saturated Fats are solid at room temperature (like butter), whereas Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature (like Vegetable oils).

Do a saturated fat is better for you than a polyunsaturated fat?

Yes, it tastes much better. Most tasty foods like butter have saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are more nutritious than saturated fats.

How do companies put cholesterol in butter?

They don't. Butter naturally contains cholesterol and saturated fats.

Fats high in unsaturated fat?

Nope. Butter is all saturated.

Is butter a form of a saturated fat?

Yes, butter is a type of saturated fat. Unsaturated fats would be oils - things that are liquid at room tenperature.

What is a charecteristic of unsaturated fats?

Saturated fats are lipids that take on a solid form at room temperature. Butter is the prime example for what characteristics a saturated fat has. Saturated fatty acids pack closely together in an orderly manner which produces a compact substance. Saturated fats are not oily in appearance or taste. And they are usually light in color. Saturated fats greatly resemble body fat in appearance and texture.

What type of fat is animal fat?

Animal fats are classified as saturated fats. Eating saturated fats from butter, cream and meat, as well as trans fats found in hydrogenated oils can boost our risk of cardiovascular disease.

Can fat be replaced in foods?

yes. fats such as butter can be replaced with margarine. because butter contains animal fats which are saturated and margarine contains vegeatble fats which are unstaurated therefore healthier. saturated fat can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

What fats are soild at room temperature?

Saturated Fatty Acids

What does hydrolysis mean?

! It means to convert unsaturated fats (Margarine) to saturated fats (Butter). Where a alkene is converted to a alkane via this method.

Which are formed from fatty acids with single carbon to carbon bonds?

saturated fats for plato A    

What are some saturated items?

Saturated fats are the fats that come from animal products. One saturated item would be cheese, like Parmesan, and Cheddar. Another would be milk chocolate, because it is made of milk and butter, which come from animals.