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Q: How much scotch whiskey should I drink to get mildly drunk?
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What does rodger federer drink during his matches?

Old scotch whiskey

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What kind of drink is j and b?

Rare blended scotch whiskey

Is there any health benefit when you drink scotch whiskey?

It makes me sleep well.

What was Richard Nixon's favorite alcohol drink?

Nixon was known to favour scotch Whiskey and soda.

Is scotch fattening?

Scotch as in whiskey, hard liquour has a lot of calories. Anything that has any calories in it can be fattening if you eat/drink too much of it.

Can you explain the expression a drop of scotch?

Scotch is type of whiskey (an alcoholic beverage). The phrase about "a drop of scotch" would be used by someone trying to be cute or coy about their desire to drink some scotch. They are saying (usually insincerely) that they will have a little bit of scotch to drink. It is a convivial phrase for a drink of scotch, usually encountered in an invitation: Will you have a drop of scotch with me? Or it may indicate a small amount added to something: I'll have water with a drop of scotch.

What is the average price for scotch glasses?

Scotch is a classical Scottish alcoholic drink similar to whiskey. It is sold in many pubs or places. The average price for a glass filled with scotch is between 0.50å£ and 2å£.

Can you drink whiskey on a gluten free diet?

i suppose not if you cannot drink whiskey, and very frustrating as this is my favourite drink,

Should you take whiskey with cola?

Why not, whiskey should be drunk for enjoyment. As soon as someone attaches a rule on how to drink it then someone doesn't enjoy it any more. If you buy it, you drink it how you want. Try Grants and cola or J&B and cola. Assuming you're of legal drinking age in your country. I know a LOT of Scots who drink Scotch and coke.