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Q: How much seasalt is need to treat tragus infection?
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Is seasalt bad for dogs?

Too much of it is.

Can dicloxacillin be used to treat a sinus infection?

Sinus infection is due to viral, bacterial or fungal infection. Dicloxacillin can very much be prescribed to treat a sinus infection caused by staphylococcus bacteria.

What hurts more reverse tragus or double tragus?

NO such thing as a reverse tragus. Do you mean an anti-tragus? Either way, a double tragus would probably seem to hurt more just because you would have to get two of them!They're both cartilage piercing and pretty much the same thickness. So its really hard to say for sure

Is a cartilage piercing different than the tragus piercing?

YES it is ...I have an industrial and it is on the cartilage and my cousin have the tragus and she started crying and her pain tolerance is better then mine the tragus huet much more because it is more cartilage in it then on a cartilage piercing

How much is a tragus ear piercing?

depends on the location, but usually around $50.

What piercing hurts more- tragus or rook?

The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.

How much would it cost to treat a kidney infection without health insurance?

In Australia You can get it done for nothing through medicare.

How much would it cost to get your tragus pierced?

Anywhere from $25 to $35, anymore than that, you're overpaying.

What is the difference between having a tragus piercing done with a straight needle and having it done with a curved one?

I've never heard of anyone using a curved needle for any kind of piercing. But, a straight needle would be much easier for a tragus. A lot of force has to be used to pierce the tragus and that would be difficult with a curved needle. Also, I could imagine that the curved needle would hit the cartilage/ear behind your tragus after it was pierced. Just get it done with a straight one.

Who would be able to treat surgical infection?

Return to/call your surgeon immediately and inform him/her about it. This could develop into something much worse very fast.

How do you treat a urine infection until you can see a doctor?

Drink a lot of water and not so much soda or acidic drinks like apple and orange juice.

How to treat a skin infection?

Go visit your dermatologist so he can asses your situation.