

How much smaller is Pluto than the planet Mercury?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How much smaller is Pluto than the planet Mercury?
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Is it true Pluto is only larger than mercury?

Mercury has a diameter of 2,439.7 km Pluto has a diameter of 2,306 So that means that Mercury is a little bigger

Why is it hotter on Mercury than Pluto?

It is hotter on Mercury than it is on Pluto because Mercury is much closer to the Sun. Pluto is no longer considered a planet.

What is the size of Pluto to earth and how much smaller is Pluto to earth?

Pluto was a planet but they didnt want it to be a planet anymore because it was so tiny. But Pluto is alot smaller than earth.

How is mercury and Pluto different?

There are two main similarities between Mercury and Pluto. One is their smaller sizes, although Pluto is far smaller than Mercury. The other is their extreme distance from the sun. So Mercury is the closest known planet to the sun while Pluto was considered the furthest.

Is Mercury smaller or larger than Pluto?

Much larger. Pluto is quite small.

Are mercury and Pluto near twins?

No. Pluto (now a dwarf planet) is much smaller than Mercury, and considerably less dense, because Pluto (billions of kilometers from the Sun) is partly frozen gases and ice. Pluto's diameter is only about 2306 kilometers, less than half the diameter of Mercury, about 4879.4 kilometers.

How much bigger is mars than Pluto?

Mars is larger than Pluto. Mars is the second-smallest major planet, the only smaller one being Mercury (which is also much larger than Pluto). (see related link)

Pluto is not considered as a planet?

Pluto is way to small to be a planet.Now we have 8 planets in our solar system not 9.Pluto is much smaller then earths moon!If Pluto was just a little bit smaller then Mercury, it would be a planet, but Pluto is TINY compared to mercury.

How are mercury and Pluto different?

While the planet Mercury and Pluto have some similarities, they are quite different. Mercury is much warmer than Pluto because of its proximity to the sun. The year on Mercury is 88 days compared to 248 years for Pluto.

Is Mercury bigger or smaller than Jupiter?

Mercury is the second smallest planet in the solar system. (Pluto is the smallest.)

Is Mercury bigger than earth?

Yes, the Earth is bigger than Mercury. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system (not counting Pluto, which is not considered a true planet anymore). Mercury is 38% (a little more than 1/3) the size of Earth.

Which planet is larger than Mercury and Pluto?

pretty much all the other planets