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22%.50 grams

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Q: How much sugar is in Miranda orange drink?
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What to do if too much insulin is taken?

Usually drink orange juice or something with lots of sugar and call the paramedics to be safe.

Orange juice for diabetics?

You have not yet asked a question. When a person is diabetic, their body loses the ability to make insulin to balance their blood sugar, and may need to take insulin. If there is too much insulin, and their blood sugar is low, they may drink orange juice to quickly raise their blood sugar level.

On avg how much orange juice do people drink per day?

a lot of people drink a lot of orange juice

Is orange juice high in sugar?

Not as much as water. Water has a ton of sugar in it.

How much sugar does a cutie orange have?

8 grams

If you drink too much orange juice will you get scurvy?


Why is the orange drink so yummy?

It's so yummy because oranges are good for you and there yummy but they also have SO MUCH SUGAR in them youlike it because the sugar tastes yum but some of you are weired and think it tastes like the peels that you love.

How much percent of orange fanta is water?

There are 6.9 grams of sugar per 100ml of Fanta Orange.

How much sugar content is there in orange crush?

In 1 cup there is 34 grams of sugar but in 1 bottle there is 83 grams of sugar.

How much sugar is a orange?

A large sized orange contains 17 grams of sugar. It also contains 163 percent Vitamin C and 7 percent calcium.

How many empty calories does orange juice have?

It depends on how much sugar is added.

How much sugar is there per 100mls in fanta?

In one 20 ounce bottle of Fanta Orange, there are 74 grams of sugar. The drink has 270 calories.The original orange flavor of Fanta has 10-11 grams of sugar. In Fanta there is also 42 grams of carbohydrates and 5 grams of sodium.126 grams exactly! I know this because I am 3 years old and I drink a lot of pop!when i checked yesterday it was 30.5 grams of sugar. I'm quite sureIn a 2.25 litre of Fanta there is approximately 126 grams of sugar