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Q: How much sugar is produced a year in Haiti?
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How much sugar is produced a year in the US?

It varies from year to year, of course, but for the last ten years it has varied from 7.4 million to 9.0 million tons of sugar. This is from both sugar beets and sugar cane, but does NOT include other sweeteners, such as high-fructose corn syrup.

How much does the average person make a year in Haiti?

10 dollars

How many tons of sugar produces by India per year?

In the last year for which statistics are available (2012), India produced 28.3 million tons of sugar. The amount varies a lot from year to year.

How much did 1kg of sugar cost last year?

Last year sugar cost about $2 per kg

How much sugar should a one year old have each day?

A one year old should not be having sugar everyday. It is bad for his/ her health. A one year old can have sugar about once or twice a week, and not too much.

What year was the earthquake in Haiti?

The earthquake in Haiti happened in 2009.

What year did the Haiti earthquake happen?

Haiti's earthquake happend in 2010.

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One hundred and fifty-six pounds

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There is not an exact amount of how much bleach is produced per year. However, each year Clorox makes $1.4 billion from selling bleach alone.

What is the amount of sugar produced in Cuba?

Cuba's sugar production has dropped significantly since the early 1990's, and it is now at about 200 billion metric tons a year.