

How much sun goes potatoes need to grow?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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potatoes need about 67% of sun to grow

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What is necessary to grow potatoes?

potatoes need seeds dirt and poo idot

What do potatoes need to grow?

Sweet potatoes grow best with compost and an organic potato food will increase their size. I start mine from sweet potatoes rooted in water in the winter. When the vines grow from the potatoes, I cut them off the tuber and root them in water. I then plant these rooted vines in the garden after all danger of frost is past and given about 100 days to grow, they will produce new sweet potatoes. The last month or so, do not water the potato vines and this will increase the size of the new tubers.

What temperature is needed to grow potatoes?

Potatoes are not frost hardy and will not grow if the temperature is less than 7 degrees centigrade, or 45 degrees Fahrenheit. When the temperature reaches around 21 degrees C, or 70 degrees F, the potato will start to grow shoots and can be planted out. Once the potato has started to grow it will survive in temperatures from around 7 degrees C up to around 25 degrees C, or 80 degrees F, although they do grow best at around 21 degrees C. They do not like very hot weather and will probably not survive long in temperatures of 35 degrees C, or 95 degrees F, and much over that will kill them outright.

Do all pathogens need oxygen to grow?

no, not all pathogens need oxygen to grow. pathogens that grow without oxygen can occur in cooked rice, untreated garlic and oil mixtures, and temperature-abused baked potatoes.

Can you grow potatoes in London?

Yes you can, you just need to buy some from a local supermarket and plant them into a pot in your garden.

How and where can you grow hydroponic and aeroponic plants?

nasa has successfully used hydroponics to grow potatoes in space. all you need is a temperature which is suitable for your plants to live and water.

What can you do with potato seeds?

Planting potato seeds will sprout potatoes. However, in order to get edible potatoes, you will need to let the potato grow, then once you have a grown potato, you will have to cut off part of the potato and replant it.

How much space does a carrot need to grow?

carrots need about 5 inches to grow

How long does it take for watermelon to grow in Colorado?

it takes approximately 51 years and 6 months to grow a watermelon from a seed as they need a lot of love and tender loving care to grow to their full potential. alternatively you should try growing something like potatoes as they are much more fast growing and can be used in a vareity of ways; for example mash or a good old jacket. florida has a hot climate therefore the soil may not be correct to grow potatoes as they need extra nutrients therefore you should move to england where potatoes are grown often and deliciously. i hope this has been helpful, good luck with the watermelon and potato growing. x

What do potatoes have in it?

Potatoes contain....well, potatoes. They are a plant that we grow. They can be mixed with many other things when prepared as food- cheese, onions, peppers, milk, butter, oil, salt etc. So to answer your question, we would need to know WHAT potato based food you are asking about.