

How much tidal power energy could the US use?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Tidal power needs a suitable bay or river mouth that fills up with massive amounts of water at high tide, but that only has a small exit to the sea, otherwise it is not economical. There are not many suitable locations in the US for tidal power.

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Q: How much tidal power energy could the US use?
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How much energy does tidal power produce?

Tidal power can produce a significant amount of energy, typically ranging from 5-15 megawatts per turbine, depending on the specific design and location of the tidal power system. Overall, tidal energy has the potential to generate consistent renewable power due to predictable tidal patterns.

How much does tidal power cost to build?

The cost of building a tidal power project can vary, but generally ranges from $3 million to $7 million per megawatt of capacity. Factors such as site location, technology used, and project size can influence the overall cost. Additionally, ongoing maintenance and operational costs should also be accounted for.

Why is tidal power useful?

Tidal power is useful because it generates electricity that is renewable, free and non-polluting. So it is an excellent replacement for energy from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) which is non-renewable, expensive and polluting (that is, causing global warming).

How is tidal energy?

it is caused by the shocks of an earthquake and the earthquake is caused by the movements of the plates at the bottom of the earth

How much energy does tidal energy produce in one day?

The amount of Watts a tidal energy gives is 200-300W

How much energy does tidal plants produce per day?

Every turbine gives 300-400 homes power.

How much energy can a tidal facility produce in one year?

Sihwa Lake Tidal Power in South Korea generates 250 MW of electricity, and has been in operation since last year. Korea has plans to begin construction of a 1 GW tidal power plant in 2017. Since a watt is equal to one joule per second, a gigawatt is 3.16x10^16 joules per year. Theoretically, much larger tidal generation facilities could be built, but there are practical economic and environmental considerations to factor in that.

Does tidal mills make as much energy as tidal waves?

It's difficult to say. A tidal wave, or a tsunami, has an amazing amount of power, but it is all over in a hour or two. Tidal mills can capture the tidal water twice a day and use it to generate clean electricity. This will continue for ever (or until the turbines need to be replaced).

Why was the Bay of Fundy picked as a possible site to build a tidal power plant?

The Bay of Fundy was chosen as a possible site for a tidal power plant due to its extremely high tidal range, which is one of the largest in the world. The strong currents and consistent tidal patterns in the bay make it ideal for harnessing tidal energy. This location provides a reliable and significant source of renewable energy.

Why is tidal energy not a useful energy resource everywhere?

Because their isn't much water in the desert.

Why is tidal Energy not useful energy resources everywhere?

Because their isn't much water in the desert.

How much space does tidal energy take up?

Energy takes up no space, at all.