

How much time does it take for a ocelot to have babies?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: How much time does it take for a ocelot to have babies?
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How many babies does a ocelot have at a time?

1-10 kittens

How many babies does an ocelot breed?

Ocelots have 1 tp 2 babies each time they breed.

What eats the ocelot?

The ocelot has no natural predator at this time.

How many young can an ocelot have?

An ocelot can have about 1 to ten kittines at a time

Are you able to tame an ocelot in Minecraft creative?

Yes, you can tame an ocelot in creative the same way you do it in survival. To tame an ocelot, hold any type of uncooked fish in your hand. The fish cannot be cooked. Crouch and slowly move towards the ocelot. If you make too much movement, ocelots will run away. Once an ocelot slowly walks toward you, don't move and right click it with your fish. The ocelot will eat it. This may require more fish. It may take some time to get an ocelot to come to you, but you have to be patient. When the ocelot sits down then it is tamed.

When does an ocelot reproduce?

Sometimes the ocelot can reproduce in any season of the year, but it needs to be in the night. Most of the time the ocelot reproduces in the spring. (Usually in texas)

How much time does it take for a cat to have babies?

Well it has to "get" pregnant first but it usually takes up to 8 weeks i think

What makes an ocelot suited for life in the rain forest?

Because the ocelot spends its time on the forest floor and it can Camoufage.

How much babies does a dolphin have at a time?

dolphins have one baby at a time.

Who much babies do rabbit have?

Depends every time but something around 3-7 babies :)

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4-11 babies at once !

How much babies does a tiger have at a time?

Two to four is normal.