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It is not a matter of time passing. There must be a change in circumstances serious enough for the court to take the time to consider the new facts and factors.

It is not a matter of time passing. There must be a change in circumstances serious enough for the court to take the time to consider the new facts and factors.

It is not a matter of time passing. There must be a change in circumstances serious enough for the court to take the time to consider the new facts and factors.

It is not a matter of time passing. There must be a change in circumstances serious enough for the court to take the time to consider the new facts and factors.

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It is not a matter of time passing. There must be a change in circumstances serious enough for the court to take the time to consider the new facts and factors.

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Q: How much time must pass before child support can be modified?
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How do you minimize your child support?

You have to go back to court to have it modified if you find it too much.

Can you talk with ex- wife that you pay a lot of child support?

It's the court who decides. You have to return to court and ask to have it modified if you feel you are paying too much.

What happens when you get fired from your job in Florida and you can't afford child support?

You go to court to have the support order modified. Or you just stop paying it and go to jail. Your choice. It's not your child's fault you got fired, and it's not like they suddenly stop needing to eat. At the very least you should be paying as much of your child support as you can.

How are you supposed to live when all of your money is going to child support?

If the sum is too much you can try to get it modified in the court where it was issued or you get a higher paid job or a extra job.

Do you have to pay child support to the parent if the child does not stay with that parent?

If the court order says you pay child support, you pay child support. There may be any number of logical, good reasons that you feel you shouldn't have to, but they don't matter. Only the court order matters. You can go back to court and seek to have the order modified, but the bottom line is, no matter how much sense it makes to you that you shouldn't have to pay child support, until that order is modified you have to do what it says.

Who would pay child support?

Child support is court ordered. The judge decides who pays child support and how much.

If paying child support for a child and that child gets pregnant and has two children how much longer does child support have to be paid?

In most cases child support orders are enforced until the child reaches the age of majority, which in most states is 18. There are however, contributing factors in individual cases. The age may be specified in the original order, or it can be modified if the child is a student, or disabled, among other things. Consult the state of residency's emancipation laws. If that child dropped out of school that also matters check your state laws

Child support is based off of what?

Child support is based of how much the main guardian spends on the child/children.

Does child support stop when the child is not living with the custodial parent?

Child support stops when the court order mandating it says it does and not until then (unless the parent paying the support dies, in which case he ... I'm assuming it's a he ... is pretty much beyond the reach of the court to enforce it). If the situation changes (e.g. the child is no longer living with the custodial parent) then the non-custodial parent can go back to court to have the order modified. Until it's modified, keep making the payments.

If you marry someone who pays child support in Chicago will your income factor in how much he pays for child support?


How much is child support in California?

The child support laws in the state of California are based off of a child support worksheet. The child support worksheet determines the amount of child support that should be paid, while taking into consideration the amount of income of both parents.

If you have no income how much child support do you pay for 3 kids?

Child support is a percentage of net income.