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Q: How much time should an 10 years old child sleep?
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How much sleep should a child have each night?

minimum 8 hours of beauty sleep will you you good

How much uninterrupted sleep should a proper child have?

9 hours a child should have a day plus the next day

How much should a five year old sleep?

It is very important for the physical and mental health of a child to get enough sleep. A five year old should get 10 to 11 hours of sleep.

How much should you sleep every day?

The amount of sleep needed for an 11-year-old can vary slightly from child to child, but generally, experts recommend that children in this age group get around 9 to 11 hours of sleep per night. This amount of sleep is crucial for their physical and mental development, as well as their overall health and well-being. It's important to establish a consistent bedtime routine and ensure that the child's sleep environment is conducive to restful sleep. Additionally, factors such as physical activity level, screen time before bed, and individual sleep patterns can also influence how much sleep a child needs. Parents should monitor their child's behavior and adjust their sleep schedule as needed to ensure they are getting adequate rest.

How much sleep does an 11 year old really need?

How much sleep does a 11 year old need of sleep Optimally, 8-10 hours is what you should be looking at around 11 years of age.

How much hours should you sleep?

You should sleep 9 hours

how much should i sleep?

if you are a kid you should get 12 hours of sleep

How much sleep should a eleven year old child get?

Well it depends on whether or not the kid is very athletic or if they stay in bed all day. The average eleven year old should get at least 6 hours of sleep if not more. But personally I would have my eleven year old child sleep for 8 hours or more. ;D Hope this helps...... if not, try different times each night and if your child seems more happy in the morning or more grouchy than you know how much more or less sleep they need. Either way your child should know how much they are currently sleeping or getting rest. Good luck :D

How long does a child have to sleep at least?

It all depends on how much sleep they themselves need. A study said that a child needs 8hrs minium and 12hrs maxium.

how much water should i drink a day i am 7 years old?

According to British Nutrition Foundation: The amount of fluid a child needs depends on many factors including their age, their gender, the weather and how much physical activity they do, but generally they should aim to drink about 6-8 glasses of fluid per day (on top of the water provided by food in their diet).

How much sleep does a girl need?

Well it depends on the age. If they are a child then between 12 hours of sleep. :) Hope i helped.

How much sleep does David Beckham get?

3579743 years