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This depends on many factors.

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Q: How much time would 5ml of water take to evaporate under room temperature?
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Why would water condense or evaporate?

Water is evaporated when the temperature increase and condensed when the temeperature decrease.

Why would water evaporate faster in the winter indoors?

Evaporation depends on the environmental temperature.

When measuring the temperature of boiling water the temperature often comes out highter than 100c why might this happen?

Impurities. Impurities in water will cause the water to evaporate at a slightly higher temperature than 100 deg C. If you where to use distilled water it would evaporate at 100 deg C.

Where does water evaporate the fastest inside or out?

At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.At higher temperatures, water will evaporate faster. So, depending on the temperature outside, it may evaporate faster, or slower, than inside.

Where would water evaporate more quickly?

Where the temperature is hot (like out in the sun) and the air is dry (lacking water moisture).

What is easy to evaporate motor oil or water or petrol?

Petrol or gasoline will evaporate fastest. Water is next and motor oil would be the slowest. Factors include temperature, viscosity and surface tension of the liquid.

What liquids will evaporate?

All liquids would evaporate if heated to a high enough temperature.

Which factor out of wind or teperaure will make water evapororate faster?

Temperature will make water evaporate more quickly than wind. Wind will just separate the water molecules, which would then cause them to evaporate a little more quickly.

How much water in a glass would evaporate in a week?

the water in the glass evaporates if the atmosphere temperature is at evaporating point of water

If you set out a pan of salt water in the sun what happens?

Well first of all, you cannot put water on the sun. It would evaporate before it got there. But if you somehow did without changing its temperature until you got to the sun then it would almost instantly evaporate and the molecules would in turn become ionized and become plasma.

Which will evaporate faster a glass of water or a puddle of water?

a puddle of water will evaporate faster because it has a larger surface area that is, it has more of its moleccules in contact with the air Yes, the more air the same amount of water can cover, the faster it will evaporate. In a glass, there is much water that gets tiny amounts of air under the surface and not enough to evaporate. If the same amount of water was poured on a level flat surface (no puddle), it would evaporate very quickly.

How would you expect the surface tension of water to be affected by increasing temperature?

surface tension of water is affected by temperature as it starts to evaporate when there is hot temperature but due to unnatural medium its surface starts to freeze when the temperature outside is cold,so this gives the reason that surface tension of water is affected by temperature.