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Q: How much unique gametes can be produced via independent assortment for an organism with a diploid number of six chromosomes?
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How many unique gametes can be produced via assortment for an organism with a diploid number of 6 chromosomes?

When a zygote is diploid it obtains two sets of chromosomes. Gametes contain one set of chromosomes. Therefore, 6 chromosomes would amount to 3 sets of gametes.

How many unique gametes can be produced via independent ssortment for an organism with a diploid number of six chromosomes?

8. 2^3

To maintain the number of chromosomes of an organism what do gametes do?

be produced by meiosis

The number of chromosomes in a gamete of an organism is its what?

D. Be produced by meiosis

If the body cells of an organism have 20 chromosomes then the sex cells produced during meiosis would have how many chromosomes?


Where does an organics produced by sexual reproduction get its chromosomes from?

In sexual reproduction, an organism inherits its chromosomes from both parents. Each parent contributes half of the total number of chromosomes required for the offspring. These chromosomes contain the genetic information necessary for the development and characteristics of the organism.

What phase of meiosis does independent assortment happen?

The independent assortment happens in the following steps in the meiosis 1. During the Pachytene stage of prophase I of the meiosis one the genes in the homologous chromosomes mixes randomly among each other by a process called crossing over and largely responsible for the variation between the siblings. 2. Metaphase 1 : The random assortment of bivalent takes place. 3. MetaphaeII : The chromosomes move randomly to the equator

If the body cells of an organism have 10 chromosomes then the sex cells produced during meiosis would have?


What is the name of the hereditary material found on chromosomes in the nucleus of cells?

what is the type of reproduction when a new organism is produced identical to the parent organism

What is produced by the end of the?

Gametes, haploid cells. They have half of the genetic material in the original cell. They're genetically different due to cross over and independent assortment - to create variation.

How does sexual reproduction through the process of meiosis affect the variation of organisms compared to asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is great asset to the nature. In asexual reproduction you will get the exact replica of the original organism. You will get the new type of organism by chance only. In sexual reproduction, you get the new types of organism, almost invariably. Half of the chromosomes come from the female and half of the chromosomes come from the male. That happens through the process of meiosis. There is random assortment of the chromosomes. You can have numerous types of progeny. The better progeny is produced. so the nature is doing only one business. Nature wants better and still better progeny. After you produce the offsprings, nature loses interest in you.