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about 5lts of urine will make your body collapse and die

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Q: How much urine can someone drink before dying?
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Is it bad to drink lots of water the day of a urine test?

It's not necessarily bad to drink lots of water before a urine test but it could make you have to reschedule your appointment. The more water you drink the more diluted your urine is going to be. If your urine is to diluted they will make you come back after a day or two.

Can you drink women urine?

no itis not ok to drink womens urine it has bacteria and is different from mens urine

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Can a human drink his own urine?

Yes, a person can drink his/her own urine.

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Can you swallow female urine?

Yes you can. Urine is sterile. That is why if your stuck in the desert with nothing to drink it is recommended to drink your urine.

Can you drink my urine?

No! Are you freakin out of your mind?! Re: lol! Try rephrasing this question. You surely don't mean if I will drink your urine, you mean "Is it OK to drink urine?"

How many times can you drink your urine?

You can drink it all day every day urine is sterile ...

Does urine contain calories?

Don't drink urine.

Can you drink 17 hours before a urine test?

no it stays in the system 1-3 days depending on your weight

Is it safe for a male to drink a womens urine?

It is safe for a male to drink a woman's urine, or any humans urine, as long as it is in small doses and there are no toxins, such as dangerous medication, in the urine.

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