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Relative humidity is 100% of water vapor in the air. When that happens dew forms.

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Q: How much us high relative humidity?
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What is the average humidity in baton rouge la US?

Average Relative Humidity: Baton Rouge Relative Humidity (Morning) 89% Baton Rouge Relative Humidity (Afternoon) 62%

Where can you find relative humidity levels for the US?

There aren't many. Relative humidity isn't usually of much interest to serious meteorologist. Stations report dewpoint; calculating RH is another step. (see link) has national RH maps. I usually get my humidity information from dewpoint maps from Contour plots of dewpoint (related link) are among of the most useful.

Why high humidity makes us feel hotter in hot weather?

One of our body's mechanisms to cool us down is to sweat. In a low humidity environment the sweat can evaporate, absorbing extra heat from our body to help cool it. In high humidity, it is much more difficult - or impossible - for the sweat to evaporate and thus we can't get the benefit of the evaporative cooling.

Why does high humidity makes us feel hotter in hot weather?

One of our body's mechanisms to cool us down is to sweat. In a low humidity environment the sweat can evaporate, absorbing extra heat from our body to help cool it. In high humidity, it is much more difficult - or impossible - for the sweat to evaporate and thus we can't get the benefit of the evaporative cooling.

When a weather forecaster tells us what the blank is he she is referring to the amount of water vapor found in the air?

That's relative humidity...

What is the relationship between humidity and relative humidity?

The temperature determines the humidity.

What the difference between relative humidity and absolute humidity?

Humidity is the actual amount of moisture in a certain volume of air.Relative humidity is the percentage of the maximum amount of moisture that's possible in certain volume of air for a particular temperature.Example of Relative Humidity: Suppose a 5 ft. cube of air could could hold a maximum 10 oz. of moisture at 80 degrees. Now suppose that the cube of air actually contains 5 oz. of moisture. The Relative Humidity would be 50%.The idea of humidity refers to how much water is mixed in with the air around us. Everywhere on Earth there is always at least some water mixed in with the air; in some places, like the desert, it's just a little; in other place, like by the ocean or in a rainforest, it's a lot.The air can only carry around a limited amount of water vapor (evaporated water, or water in its gas form). At some point, there can be more water vapor than the air can hold, and the water turns into little droplets, which in nature is clouds, fog, or rain.Just "humidity," also known as "absolute humidity," means "what is the concentration of water vapor (evaporated water) in the air right now?" In other words, it would give you a measurement of how much water you would get if you could take a box of air and squeeze all the water out.This is expressed in units of mass/volume. So, for example, you could express the absolute humidity as 5 grams per liter (5 g/L) if there were 5 grams of water vapor floating around in every liter of air.Again, the air can only carry around a limited amount of water vapor. How much it can carry is determined by the atmospheric pressure and the temperature. There is a mathematical equation that lets you figure out the maximum amount of water that the air can carry based on the pressure and temperature. Relative humidity is how much water the air is actually carrying divided by how much water the air could possibly carry. People, especially weather forecasters, usually express this as a percentage. So, if the air in a particular place is carrying exactly half the amount of water that it could theoretically carry, the relative humidity would be 50%. If it were carrying all the water it could theoretically carry, the relative humidity would be 100%. The relative humidity can never be higher than 100% or lower than 0%.Relative humidity has no units, because it is just a fraction.So, ways they are alike:1. They both talk about how much water vapor is mixed with air in a particular place.Ways they are different:1. Humidity has units (mass/volume) but relative humidity is just a fraction or percentage.2. Humidity doesn't care about how much water vapor it's possible for the air to have, but relative humidity does.3. Humidity doesn't tell you anything about how close the air is to having rain or fog, but relative humidity does.Specific humidty is the amount of water in unit amount of air by weightandRelative humidity is the amount of water in unit amount of air by pressure(partial pressure)Relative humidity is one means of describing the amount of water in the air. Relative humidity describes the amount of water in the air as that precentage of the total amount air at that temperature should be able to hold.Absolute humidity describes the amount of water in the air by saying how many grams of water per milliliter of air are present.

What is Mississippi's climate in summer?

Most of the northeast and midwest are hot and humid in US summers. Southern states are even worse, especially for humidity. High humidity and high dewpoints make the air temperature feel oppressive.

What is meant by humid specific heat?

Humidity is how much water content is in the air aroundus.I think humid specific means " as we perceive or feel it " This is why you feel hot on a humid day at 80 degree with 90 percent humidity than lets say a day that's 100 degrees with 25 percent humidity (one hundred percent humidity equals Rain) With high humidity we cannot cool off by perspiration,making us Feel warmer than it might actually be.And the reverse can of course be said the less humidity the better we can handle a very high temperature day.

What is the significance of wet bulb temperature?

dry bulb temperature simply tells us the temperature of dry air.but the comfort also depends on humidity ie. water vapour presents in the air.Wet bulb temperature measures the humidity in the air.Because the evaporation of water in the bulb wick depends on the relative humidity of surrounding air.

How high is an aircraft in US before you see the white smoke?

That isn't white smoke, it's water vapor that is condensed out of the air by the passing of the aircraft. This is called a "contrail," which stands for condensation trail. The altitude depends upon the relative humidity and the temperature, which vary from hour to hour. Generally, this only occurs at very high altitudes.

Which statement explains why high humidity makes us feel hotter in hot weather?

Perspiration evaporates at a slower rate.