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Q: How much venom does a komodo dragon have?
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Can an anaconda kill a komodo dragon?

Yes, but the komodo dragon could injure it badly with claws and venom.

Do komodo dragons spit venom?

the komodo dragon does not have any poison or venom but it has bad bacteria in its seliva. the way the komodo dragon hunts its prey is by inflicting a single bite on to its victim and the victim slowly begins to lose its energy after that the komodo dragon stalks its prey until its prey hits the floor and finishes what it started

How does a komodo dragon's poison get through the body?

The Komodo dragon has a very venomous bite. For years it was believed that the danger of a Komodo dragon's bite was due not to venom, but to bacteria that live on its teeth. More recent research, however, has discovered that the bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily. The venom can only enter the body through an open wound.

Is the komodo dragon venemous?

Yes! They have a venom gland on their lower jaw. The venom keeps the animals blood flowing.

Komodo dragons prey?

Komodo dragons are predators, not prey. The bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily.

What would happen if a large animal was bitten by a Komodo dragon?

It is highly likely. Adult komodo dragons prey on younger dragons. Also, the bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily. This would also work on another komodo dragon.

Who will win and komodo dragon or a rhino?

The komodo Dragon for many reasons. First of all, it has 2 lethal weapons, the first one is it's bacteria. The komodo Dragon has 50 strains its bacteria in its mouth. The second weapon the komodo Dragon has is its highly lethal killing venom. The komodo dragon would ambush the rhino before the fight begins and bite the rhino and even if the komodo dragon gets killed the rhino will die after a while because of all the bacteria and venom inside its blood stream.

Is the komodo dragon poisonous?

The Komodo dragon has a very dangerous bite, and it is venomous (not poisonous). For years it was believed that the danger of a Komodo dragon's bite was due not to venom, but to bacteria that live on its teeth. Recent research, however, has discovered that the bite of the Komodo dragon delivers a powerful venom which actually thins the blood, increasing blood flow and creating a state of shock in the victim. The sharp, serrated teeth of a komodo dragon are used to open a gaping wound in its prey, enabling the venom to flow easily. The discovery of venom glands in the Komodo dragon challenges the previous assumption that fatal bites were due to the consumption of carrion (rotting things), and the resultant growth of toxic bacteria in the mouths of the lizards. Infections by these organisms would still be a serious factor in treating a bite wound. Komodo dragons do not usually attack people, preferring other game such as deer. But there are documented cases of them stalking and killing human beings.

What is the bite force of a bearded dragon?

The komodo dragon's bite force is 1000 psi, and its venom is powerful enough to kill a buffalo.

What is the percentage of living when a komodo dragon has bit you?

there is no known cure against its bite. it is not venom, it is the syliva that kills.

Is a komodo dragon the most dangerous animal?

Yes. The Komodo Dragon is not a farm animal and it is not domesticated or a pet, so it is a wild animal.

Can you throw up after bitten by a komodo dragon?

You could throw up, but it wouldn't help you if you were bitten by a Komodo dragon. The wound would have dangerous pathogens as well as, according to recent research, it would also have venom in it. You would need emergency medical attention to survive a bite from a Komodo dragon.