

How much water do hermit crab need?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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12y ago

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You should give them a good chunk of food like for a carrot cut off a chunk, same with tomatoes, and mangoes ect.

You should have a small container, like a reptile bowl, or a shell (NOT TOO DEEP, for hermies can drown). and you add enough water for it to be not higher than the middle of their legs.

Hermit crabs need distilled water because the clorine in tap water WILL burn their modified gills (meaning they need humidity to live) and sofacate them.

Hermit crabs also need SEA salt water for them to walk through to get their exoskeleton harder/ healthy. Do NOT use table salt because it will burn their modified gills and will sofacate them.

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13y ago

You need two pools. One that is dechlorinated fresh water and one that is dechlorinated ocean style salt water. Both pools need to be deep enough for a crab to climb in and get water into their shell. Generally 3/4-2 inches deep. Provide a way for smaller crabs to climb out but do not fill the pool with a sponge. Crabs need standing water to keep their shell water replenished regularly.

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12y ago

They need to be able to at the very LEAST submerge up to the rim of their shell with both fresh and salt water.

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She will drop them in water of any depth but there is no way for the average hobbiest hermit crab keeper to keep them alive, so it's a bit of a moot point.

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It depends on the kind of hermit crab. if you find it at the beach it most likely needs water but if you find a land hermit crab they won't be able to breath under water, but land hermit crabs still enjoy being a little wet.

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Hermit crabs do not bite, they pinch. When a hermit crab pinches you that means that they are intimidated and stressed out, and possibly hungry. In your crabitat there should always be fresh food available to your hermit crab so it does not starve. My hermit crabs are 6 years old, if you want to learn how to PROPERLY CARE FOR A HERMIT CRAB, visit

What is the behavior of a hermit crab?

Well it all depends on if you have a male hermit crab. And a female hermit crab. They will have the eggs in water. If you live by a ocean u need salt water. If you don't live by a ocean you need fresh water. Its not that easy because you will need to have a Little bit bigger water bowl so they can have the eggs in there. Well if you see your eggs... They Carrie them under there legs. Kinda like a kangaroo ...Well good luck If you have eggs

Can a hermit crab drink both salt and fresh water?

No hermit crabs need distilled water for fresh water (which they drink), and need SEA salt water for them to bathe in (so the exoskeleton gets stronger)

Will hermit crabs eat a molting crab?

Yes, so if a hermit crab is molting put some card board in between the hermit crab and the others because the others might dig it up and eat it alive. Make SURE both sides of hermit crabs have food and water. Even though the hermit crab might not dig up that, day it might while you are away, and it will need food and water as soon as it comes up.

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Why isn't my hermit crab molting?

Hermit crabs molt when they feel the need to. Nothing is wrong with your crab if it hasn't molted. :)