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they can dirink 45 gallons a day

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3y ago
That’s false 
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Lvl 1
3y ago
Whales do not drink salt water they get the water they need from the organisms they eat

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Q: How much water are killer whales made up of?
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Related questions

How smart are killer whales?

killer whales are much smarter than any sea mammal in he whole world

Do hammer head sharks eat killer whale?

No they do not. Killer whales are much too large to be eaten by a hammer head shark.

How much do newborn killer whales weigh?

It weigh 50 pd

Is a killer whale really a whale or a dolphin?

It is a mammal, a member of the dolphin family. The killer whale's scientific name is 'Orcinus Orca', And it is actually the largest of the dolphin family. It got its name Killer Whale, which was shortened from Killer OF whales, as they sometimes kill other dolphins, and whales. They are NOT a porpoise, whale or fish (although the name porpoise is sometimes applied to them).

What types of penguins do killer whales eat?

pretty much all penguins

How much do killer whale babies weight?

baby killer whales weigh 300 to 400 pounds (:

Do killer whales eat everything in the sea?

Pretty much. But they don't eat seaweed or sand or shells

Do killer whales attack sharks?

It is not so much that sharks are scared of killer whales, more that they are prey of killer whales. The killer whale is the oceans number one predator but this does not mean to say that as its prey the shark is scared of it. There are thousands of types of sharks. So on the whole some sharks are quite likely to be afraid of killer whales where as others probably not.

What is the difference between a killer whale and whale?

They are actually completely different. Killer whales are black, white, and have a bit of gray behind their dorsal fin. Beluga whales are completely white, but some certain whales can have some light gray under their eyes. Also, Belugas don't even have Dorsal fins. They have a clean, staight back.

Do killer whales eat crocodiles?

yes, they do in fact eat killer whales. and jellyfish, and occasionally a human... especially when they are hungry. hope this helped :D well i dont think they could kill a killer whale but... Crocodiles eat meat of pretty much anything that will get close enough to the water to be drug in. The adult usually eat snakes, buffalo, cattle, or anything else that gets near the water. Including humans. The juveniles eat insects, shellfish and fish.

Are there any whales that are killer but aren't killer whales?

All whales, dolphins and porpoises eat living prey, whether it's fish, squid or plankton. None are vegetarians. The killer whale (orca) attacks in packs, eats seals, penguins, other whales and looks a lot like a shark with it's big, tall dorsal fin. The killer whale does what other marine mammals do, it just does it in a more aggressive manner. A pack of killer whales is much more scary looking than a pack of bottlenose dolphins even though they are both primary fish eaters. Also, killer whales look like the sort of animal that is capable of killing a human, even though there is no proven evidence that any person has been killed by an orca in the wild.

How much food does killer whales eat a day?

A killer whale needs to eat up to 500 pounds (226 kg) of food each day.