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Q: How much water does Greece use every year?
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29 times a year

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We use about 20 million ML (mega litre) every year

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15,758 euro every year

How frequently did the ancient Greece leaders change?

every 10 years, then it was every 6 years, then finally every year.

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700 billion liters

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None. The water cycle only recycles the water that has been on Earth for the past 13 billion years.

What year did Daylight Saving Time begin in Greece?

Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) was observed in Greece in 1932, 1941 to 1943, 1952, and every year since 1975.

How frequently did leaders change ancient Greece?

Every year 50 council men were voted. In early ancient Greece democracy the major leaders were voted every 10 years then it was reduced to 6 years and finally reduced more to just one year.

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How much water in Antarctica gets polluted each year?

Antarctica has strict regulations in place to prevent pollution, and any pollution that occurs is typically minimal. However, some pollution can still occur due to research activities, waste disposal, and fuel spills. The exact amount of water pollution in Antarctica each year is not readily available, but efforts are continuously made to minimize environmental impact in the region.

How many foreign tourists go to Greece each year?

Greece attracts around 30 million foreign tourists annually.