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Q: How much water does it take to be a flood?
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How high can a flood get?

A flood can go as high as the land and water allow. There is no limit to the rise of flood waters because a flood is not a controlled event.

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Too much of what causes a river to flood?


What are the differences between flood and drought?

They are opposites to each other. A drought is no water, but a flood is too much.

What precaution should you take after the flood?

water shelter and away from windows

What are the effects of having limited water in dam and to much reserved water?

it will make a flood

Why do rivers flood so much?

Rivers flood so much as snow melts on the water, dams burst and heavy rain. All these can cause the water level to rise and causes lots of flooding.

Do floods cause water pollution?

yes they do. flood waters can take in rubbish into the water

How much water is classified as a flood?

It depends on the situation and the circumstances. A gallon of water on your bathroom floor is a flood. You can have flood lights that illuminate your yard. The doctor will flood your eye with water if you have a foreign object in it. We once had a flood in Iraq that was the result of a 1 inch rain. Since the water couldn't soak into the hard-baked soil, it caused lots of problems. That same 1 inch of rain in Oregon would be an everyday occurrence. The best answer is that a flood is more water than usual and there is so much that it causes inconvenience, up to and including property damage.

If all the water vapor in the atmosphere were to condense and fall to the ground the globe would be covered with about how much water?

we would flood since we have a hog water supply we would flood since we have a hog water supply

What happened when the tsunami wave started hitting the coasts?

much water flood much land!

Where does a flood form?

A flood will form in areas where there is heavy rainfalls and poor drainage. This means that there so much water that does not have an exit channel.