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It depends on the size of your crab. I would suggest just enough for them to cover the majority of there body but not enough for them to be completely submerged.

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Q: How much water in a hermit crabs bath do you have to put in to put in?
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Related questions

How much do hermit crabs cost?

Between 5 and 15 dollars.

Where are hermit crabs located?

Hermit crabs can be found pretty much anywhere, they can be found on beaches, especially in rock pools.

How much are Hermit Crabs usually?

About $5.

What do hermit crabs eat when you get them strait from the bay?

All crabs are scavengers. hermit crabs eat pretty much what ever floats to the bottom, or what they find on the beach.

What is easier to take care of a hermit crab or a turtle?

hermit crabs, definitly. turtles need hige tanks and lots of cleaning. hermit crabs also need much more care than you think they do, but not as much as a turtle.

What fruit and veggies can hermit crabs not have?

Hermit crabs can have pretty much any kind of fruit for vegetable except for anything with citrus

How often does hermit crabs give birth?

not as much.

Do crabs grow their legs back?

yesYES!!!!!!!! hermit crabs are living things and they need water just as much as we do. Without water they can die. Without salt water they will have a hard time molting. Salt water is recomended.for more hermit crab care visit this website

How much do hermit crabs weigh?

less than an ounce

Can a hermit crab drown?

YES! hermit crabs may have gills but they are modified meaning they need humidity (70-85%) to breath NOT water, so don't fill your hermites bowl with too much distilled water or sea salt water.

Do hermit crabs cry?

Nobody knows due to the fact that they can hide their emotions like a champ maybe they just cry when you aren’t looking. Make sure you care about your hermit crabs so they don’t feel sad as much

What is the hermit crabs favorite color?

Hermit crabs do not care much for the color of the shell, however, they prefer shells with a pearl lining inside. Ecuadorian hermit crabs are very picky for their shells though! Try to get the same shape and colour of shell for these ones.