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Q: How much water is required to prepare 3 sheets of A4 paper?
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About one or two...

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Iron it between two sheets of brown paper then wash in hot water and detergent.

What is the process of making paper?

=Cut the logs - debarking - cut into tiny pices- Mix water with chemials- Add dye or==bleach- PULP- Dry and flatten into sheets- PAPER=

Why does paper sink but wood float?

Wood does not absorb water as easily as the paper. The paper had its fibers torn apart and then loosely assembled then dried to make flat sheets, when exposed to water the paper dehydrates very quick and thus sinks. The wood having an intact cell structure will absorb water and become "water Logged" over a long period, some over a period of years.

What is special about water bed sheets?

Water bed sheets are special because they attach from top to bottom. Regular fitted sheets cannot be easily used on water beds because the bed is too elastic for them to fit on.

The molecule weight of DDT is 354.5the quantity of DDT required to prepare one liter of 10ppm DDT solution is.?

DDT is not soluble in water.

Are there any baby sheets or children's sheets that are both soft but water resistant in case baby wets the bed?

There are a few, check Babies R' Us for some sheets that are water-resistant.

What is required for photosynthesis to occur?

Firstly, a plant is required, then is the sunlight. Plants prepare their food in the presence of sunlight and this process is said photosynthesis. You also need carbon dioxide and water, as well as certain nutrients.

Can you prepare lasagna now and bake it in a few hours?

Sure! While your bolognese is cooking, boil your lasagne sheets in water and make your bechemel sauce. Pre cooking the pasta means you don't the need to cook it in the oven, just grill the top and you're done!

Are there any sheets that are water resistant so that if my child wets the bed only the sheets will be soiled?

Water resistant sheets do not sound comfortable! I would suggesst using a water-proof mattress pad. This would protect the child's bed from being soiled.

How much of lead nitrate will be required to prepare 500ppm solution?

In order to prepare 500 ppm of lead solution from lead nitrate dissolve 0.799 gm of lead nitrate in 1000ml of water--add 1 or 2 drops of nitric acid.

How much water do you need for a tone of paper?

There are paper plants which has Zero Effluent Discharge. That means these plants reuse and re-circulate all their water. If no water is reused and/or re-circulated, plant may use as much as 300 - 400 ton or cubic meter of water to make one ton of paper. Most of water efficient plant in North America and Europe uses 10 to 25 ton or m3 of water per ton of paper. In English unit one ton (2000 lbs) paper will need 2500 to 6000 gallon.