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You should drink as much water as you can. And continuing to drink a lot of water can prevent future ones, too.

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Q: How much water required to a kidney stone patient?
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What is the technique of Lithotripsy?

Lithotripsy uses the technique of focused shock waves to fragment a stone in the kidney or the ureter. The patient is placed in a tub of water or in contact with a water-filled cushion, and a shock wave is created which is focused on the stone.

How sulfonamides cause kidney stone?

Sulfonamides are likely to precipitate in urine resulting in crystalluria.If the patient does not take adequate amounts of water(6-8 glasses/day) these are likely to aggregate into kidney stones

If you have a kidney stone what should you drink?

It is believed that stones may pass more quickly if the patient is encouraged to drink large amounts of water (2-3 quarts per day).

Can a toddler have mineral water?

NO. if you feed the toddler mineral water a large kidney stone will form in his/her kidney and it wont be pretty

Can kidney stone be totally cured?

Only by taking lots of water. and avoiding food causing stone formation.

Why a person who has had a kidney stone should drink large amounts of water to prevent another kidney stone forming?

There are higher chances of getting small crystal precipitated out of concentrated urine. You drink that extra water and urine will have less solutes per unit volume. because you will get more quantity of the diluted urine. So chances of kidney stone formation will be less.

What causes pain on right side waist between the side and back. It's where u put your hand on waist but toward back?

Very likely that right side pain is from overexercising or from pulling a muscle. It could be a kidney stone, I suppose. Kidney stone pain is often accompanied by pain in the groin area, and often occurs in the morning before you get up. Drink 2 glasses of water in the morning and another 70 to 80 ounces of water during the day . . . if it is a kidney stone, this may wash it out of the kidney and ureter without a lot of pain. If it isn't a kidney stone, the water is an extremely healthful thing to do for everyone!

Can drinking lots of water help your kidney stone?

Kidney stones are jagged crystals of calcium or uric acid which form in he kidney during times of low hydration ,Therefore yes, stay hydrated.A quick note, kidney stones may also be hereditary, meaning if someone in your family has had it , there is a good chance it may be present in your genes, so drink adequate amounts of water may not help.

How can you pass a kidney stone?

by drinking lots and lots of water and limiting salt intake. good luck

Destruction of a kidney stone by ultrasonic waves traveling through water?

extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL)

Does Fiji water cause kidney stone?

No unless someone besides the manufacturer tampered with it before consumption

Will cranberry juice help pass kidney stone?

Any liquid will help, but cranberry juice has nothing over water pertaining to kidney stones. Cranberry juice helps with kidney and bladder infections.