

How much water should you give a hermit crab?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You should give a hermit crab lots of water because during the night the water absorbs in the air and in the morning there is only little water left so keep your cups or whatever you fill water in filled to the top

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12y ago

3/4 of the water dish or just soak the sponge and leave a little water left

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Q: How much water should you give a hermit crab?
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All hermit crabs love sea salt. DO NOT GIVE IT TABLE SALT. IT WILL KILL THE HERMIT CRAB. All hermit crabs should have a small bowl of fresh water & salt water. You can purchase salt water from your local pet store. If you want fresh water you should give your hermit crab bottled water. Faucet water contains toxins which are bad for any pet. They will not die, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

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Hermit crabs do not bite, they pinch. When a hermit crab pinches you that means that they are intimidated and stressed out, and possibly hungry. In your crabitat there should always be fresh food available to your hermit crab so it does not starve. My hermit crabs are 6 years old, if you want to learn how to PROPERLY CARE FOR A HERMIT CRAB, visit

How often do you feed a hemit crab?

You should feed your hermit crab everyday and give it lettuce and fruits as well as pellet food.

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your hermit crab will die and give u a disease known as gingivitis

What does a hermit crab look like molting?

what it looks like is a naked hermit crab so if your hermit crab isn't picking it shell for almost a day get more changing shells so if your hermit crab is naked don't worry just give them some time

Hermit crab hasnt found a shell?

If your hermit crab hasn't found his shell you should give him a little bit of time to find it. It is important to not force him into his shell as he may become ill trying to find it.

What do you do if your new hermit crab and old hermit crab do not get along?

Put your new hermit crab in a bath of distilled water (make sure the water is no higher than the crab's legs) and let him/her crawl around in it for a while. Then, put your crabs back together and see how it goes. If that doesn't work, watch them for a while and maybe give them both baths. That happened to my crabs, but now they like each other.

What do you spray with on a land hermit crabsalt water or tap water?

Never give/spray your hermit crab with tap water. It constricts their gills and WILL kill them. Use bottled or distilled water, you can also buy hermit crab water conditioner at your local pet store for about 3 dollars. It will give instructions on how much to put into the tap. Salt water is mostly for soaking, so just put some in a shallow bowl in your crabitat, as well as fresh water, and make sure that its shallow enough so the smallest crab won't drown but the biggest crab soak in it. Hope that helps! :)

Can you give a hermit crab a bath?

yes, but if you supply water and there is enough for them to completely submerge in they will bath themselves as they feel needed.