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Q: How much water would a 36 by 18 by 16 inch fish tank hold?
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Volume of the pipe = 4.896 gallons

Do dalmatian molly and fighting fish get along?

Mollys do not come from water that is at all similar to the water required by Bettas (Siamese fighting fish). Being very adaptable they can however survive in with Bettas if there is enough room in the tank. The basic rules for keeping fish successfully are . :- 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. Every tank must have a permanently running 'cycled' filter. :- Every tank must have at least 50% of its water replaced every week. A Molly is a 3 to 4 inch fish and a Betta is a 3 inch fish so the smallest sized tanks you would needto house the two species together would be a 'nominal' 10 gallon tank which will hold around 8 gallons (and a maybe a bit?) when in use.

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much water per foot will a 5 inch pipe hold

If you have a 12 ft round pool with 40 inch tall walls approximately how many gallons of water would it hold?

If you filled it all the way to the top (40") it would hold about 2,830 gallons of water.

How much 2 inch pipe will hold a gallon of water?

A two inch pipe can hold 0.1632 gallons per foot. It takes slightly over 6 feet of two inch pipe to hold one gallon of water.

How many saltwater fish can a 150 gallon fish tank hold?

The rule is 1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water. A tank usually has an inch or two of gravel at the bottom and is usually filled to within an inch of the top so if the tank is 12 inches deep approximately one quarter of it is not holding water. Now in your case you would be lucky if your 15 gallon tank is holding 12 gallons. So doing the simple addition it looks as if you could have up to 12 inches of fish in there. So any combination will make it up ie 1 x 12 inch fish, 2 x 6 inch fish, all the way down/up to 12 x 1 inch fish.

How often would you feed a 3 inch fish in a small fish pot at home and change its water?

A 3 inch fish should be in at least 5 gallons of water. Regardless of size, they only need to be fed every two to three days, and a small aquarium should be cleaned weekly, larger ones monthly.

How many gallons of water does a 84 inch by 84 inch hot tub hold?

30.55 gallons (rounded) for every inch the water in the tub is deep.

How long do cold water fish live for?

there is really no difference between how long cold water and warm water fish live. It all depends on the size of the fish. If you have a 1-3 inch fish it should live for 2-3 years. If you have a 4-7 inch fish it should live for 4-6 years. If you have a 7-10 inch fish it should live for 7-11 years and finally if you have a 10-15 inch fish it should live for 12-17 years. But dont forget that fish get sick. so if you have an 8 inch fish and it lives for only 1 year it either got sick or you didn't provide proper care for it.

How many gallons water of for one small fish?

You need about one gallon for every inch of fish you have

How many fish can you put in your 65 gallon tropical fish tank?

Assuming you have proper filtration, you should abide by the one inch of fish per five gallons of water. This would mean a total of 13 total inches of fish.

What size tank for 15 fish?

It depends on the species of fish. 15 Guppies would need a much smaller tank than 15 Oscars would. A good general rule is for every inch of fish you have a gallon(4 liters) of water keeping in mind that your fish will grow.