

How much will it cost to prevent a tooth from falling out?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How much will it cost to prevent a tooth from falling out?
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The crown may not be usable after falling out. Especially if it's old, you may have to have the margins of your tooth refined, meaning the crown would need to be remade.

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lie 100,000 dollars why

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Tooth whitening kits can come in a variety of price ranges. The cost of an over the counter tooth whitening kit can range in price between $20 to $80.

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About £2.00 for a pack of five 100 in a pack

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Nothing, they grow for free in peoples mouths.

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The cost of tooth whitening can range from $250 to $1000 depending upon the means you are using to get your tooth whitened. Using a home kit costs much less than getting a deep bleach.