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The Rewards for Justice Program was offering $25 million and an extra $2 million would come from the Airline Pilots Association and Air Transport Association for information leading to Osama bin Laden.

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Q: How much will they pay you if you get Osama bin Laden?
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that osama bin laden is dead "Apparently, members of Al Qaeda are online slamming the U.S. I don't understand why the terrorists are so mad about Osama bin Laden's death. Everybody in Al Qaeda just got "The death of Osama bin Laden has apparently damaged our relationship with al Qaeda. Al Qaeda says we're going to pay for Osama bin Laden's death. I'm pretty sure we did. We even took care of funeral arrangements. Maybe a thank you would be nice." a promotion."Osama bin Laden is in the ocean. How ironic. Once again surrounded by seals

Who must pay for the twin towers?

He already has osama bin laden shot in the head. boom! head shot! hide and seek champion my arse

Has anyone been paid the reward for Bin Laden?

No. The United States government found Bin Laden, so, since the discovery was in-house, there was no need to pay any reward.

How much money do you need to pay to become a bin tycoon?

£4.99p to become a bin tycoon :)

Why after Barack Obama killed Bin Laden his popularity jumped?

Americans like a president who demonstrates leadership. People from both sides of the political aisle wanted to see Bin Laden brought to justice, and were very disappointed that President Bush did not accomplish this goal. President Obama, on the other hand, kept his promise that Bin Laden would pay for what he had done. While the Commander in Chief is not the one who carries out the mission, it is he who helps to plan it, fund it, create the strategy to carry it out, and make the final decision to implement it. Since the mission was successful, people were grateful to Seal Team Six for their bravery and precision, and grateful to the president for doing what it took to bring Bin Laden to justice.

What are some of the ways America doesn't live up to the quote... and justice for all?

By not giving the world an oppurtunity to prosecute Bin Laden and see him pay for crimes he was found guilty of

How much do you have to pay to become a bin tycoon?

it cost £4.30 to be a tycoon

How evil is bin laden?

Bin laden is an evil person, but statistically there is more evil in the town of port glasgow. I am speaking of course about Fiona Mclees who is mother to Kathleen and Thomas Simpson. She once gave a heroin dealer her son thomas until she could pay her ticker to him. She is a twisted person and she also gave her daughter kathleen a smack joint and said if you don't smoke this I'm selling you for avengis. She is an evil twisted idiot and Bin laden couldn't get more evil if he tried. I hope I answered the question Ok. Thank you, published by Kyle Mccabe

How do you pay to be a bin tycoon?

pay to be tycoon

Do you have to pay to activate your bin weevil on bin weevils?

No spells no

Do you pay for bin weevils?

No, Bin Weevils are and always will be free. But if you want to be a Tycoon and get lot more cool stuff you do pay.

Why did osama knock down the twin towers?

well osama wanted to knock down the twin towers because he wanted to get pay back