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well im not really sure how much it grows in 5 weeks.. but in a year it grows 6 inches.. so in 6 mons. it grows 3 inches... hope this helps...

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Q: How much will your hair grow in 5 weeks?
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5 weeks or more.

How long does your hair grow in 5 weeks?

From my knowledge and what I learned in humans the average rate of hair growth is 1/2" (1.25cm) per month.

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According to the Accutane website, hair should start to grow back within 5 weeks after stopping the medication. EDIT: It has been far more than 5 weeks and my hair is still thin. Not a year yet, possibly around 4 or 5 months.

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On average 2.5 inches. At maximum 7.5 inches.

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it depends on how fast you hair grows, for example if someone had red hair but it could take like 5 months to grow one inch and a blonde could grow 1 inch in 3 weeks but sometimes it could be the other way around.

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You cannot, therefore it is impossible. The only way would to have a massive growth spurt which would be highly unlikely to grow that much.

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depends what hair dying product you use. if the packet says 6 weeks it will probly last about 5 weeks because it is only on the bottom of your hair.... well works for me anyway and it depends on how much you wash it ...:)hope i helped

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