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The work is

(10) times (the distance through which the force acts, in meters) joules.

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Q: How much work is done when using a force of 10 n?
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How much work is done to push an object 5 meters using 100N of force?

Work = force x distance. Answer is in joules.

What is the equation for force using work?

Force that did the work = (work done) divided by (distance the force acted through)

If Marcel lifts a sack of cement 3 meters using a force of 324 Newtons How much work did Marcel do?

Work done is equal to Force multiplied by distance:Wd = FxdWd = 324x3Work done = 972 Joules.

How much work is done when a force of 2n moves a body through a distance of 10 cm in direction of the force?

force=2N distance moved=o.1 m work done=? work done=force(N)*distance moved (M) work done=2*o.1 work done= 0.2 watts

How much work is done when a force is applied to an object that does not move?

Work=Force x displacement. If an object doesn't move, it is not displaced, making d=0 which means that no work is done

How do you find the angle in the work done?

You measure it. Depending on the information provided, you can also calculate it, for example using trigonometry. ======================== Work done= Force vector . Displacement vector=Force*displacement*cos a, where a is the angle between the force and the displacement. So you have the values of work force and displacement then you can do the cosine inverse of the ratio of work done to the product of the force and displacement. That will give you the angle.

How much work is done when a vertical force acts on an object moving horizontally?

as work done is dot product of force and displacement so cos(90)=0;therfore work done is zero

How much work is done by a force of 500N on a stationary brick wall?

none. work is only done when energy is exchanged

On the pail when the person is holding the pail by the force F is moving forword how much work is done?

-no work is done because the force and displacement are making an angle of 90 so whrere angle is 90 no work is done

How much work is done if a 10 Newtons force moves a 21 Kiligram object 5 Meters?

Work done = force * distance = 10 * 5 = 50 joules

How much work is done when 12n force moves 0.5m?

You are supposed to multiply force x distance.

Work is done when a force is used to?

Work is done when force is used to be approximately constant