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Q: How much would a 35 foot by 102 inches by 92 inch trailer hold in yards of coal?
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Related questions

What would be used to measure a load of coal in a lorry?

well it depends, in most coal yards they have feeders that measure how much coal is put into the cars.

What is the inches of a coal rock?

there is not a certain size a coal rock can be because they come in all sizes.

How fast does a trailer truck go with coal in it?

Uh, however fast the driver wants to go.

How do you estimate the volume of coal stored on a power plant any special instruments used?

Most coal burning powerplants have a coal yard where they store coal. These coal yards are a specific size and hold a specific amount of coal. Just by measuring the length, width and height of the coal pile can the total volume, or tonnage of coal be determined.

If there were French Nuts in your house what would you have?

You would have a coal fire, it is a type of coal

How many yards in a dump truck?

The size of dump trucks can vary greatly, with the smallest dump trucks containing about 3 yards of material. Coal mine dump trucks, on the other hand, may contain up to 100 yards.

How would you classify coal?

Coal is a fossil fuel.

How much coal could a coal cart cart if a coal cart could cart coal?

A coal cart could typically carry around 2-3 tons of coal, depending on its size and capacity.

What would happen if you used up all the coal on Earth?

There would be no more coal left to use.

Will the new ds Pokémon be Pokémon coal?

Why would it be "coal?" Coal is not a jewel or gem, nor is it glamorous in the least.

Would coal be a good alternative energy source for Louisiana?

would coal be a good alternative energy source for louisiana

What would happen if coal didn't exist?

if coal didn't exist we would have fires because that's how they were first made