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Q: How much would a 60 Kg person weigh on Mars?
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How much would a 200-pound person weigh on the planet Mars?

200-pound person weigh on the planet Mars would be 75.4 pounds

How much would a 63 pound person weigh on mars?

23 pounds on Mars.

How much would a 145 pound person weigh on Mars?

55 pounds on Mars.

How much would a 200 pound person weigh on the planet mars?

76 pounds on Mars.

How much would a 250 lb person weigh on Mars?

A 250 pound person would weigh about 82 pounds. The gravitational force on the surface of Mars is about one third of that of earth.

How much would a 220lb person weigh on mars?

random question... 82.9lbs

How much would a one hundred pound person weigh if placed upon Mars?

They would weigh approximately 38 pounds.

How much would that person weigh on Mars?

To calculate someone's weight on Mars, you would multiply their weight on Earth by Mars' gravity (0.38). So, if someone weighs 150 pounds on Earth, they would weigh about 57 pounds on Mars.

If you weighed 150 pounds on earth how much would you weigh on mars?

The mass and diameter of the planet Mars is less that of Earth so there are changes to how the gravity effects you. This would cause a normally 150 pound person to only weigh 56 pounds on Mars.

How much would a 140 lb person weigh on mars?

A 140 lb person would weigh about 53 lbs on Mars due to its lower gravity compared to Earth. This is because Mars has approximately 38% of the gravity of Earth.

How much would a lbs person weigh on mars?

The answer depends on the person's weight on Earth but each pound's weight on Earth would be equivalent to 0.376 pound's weight on Mars.

How much does a 76 person weigh on mars?

76 on Earth is 28.652 on Mars.