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Q: How much would a object weigh on mars if it was 100 newtons?
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How much would that person weigh on Mars?

To calculate someone's weight on Mars, you would multiply their weight on Earth by Mars' gravity (0.38). So, if someone weighs 150 pounds on Earth, they would weigh about 57 pounds on Mars.

How much would a 1kg of sugar weigh on mars?

1 kg of anything will weigh approximately 3.7 Newtons on Mars. (Force weight = mass * acceleration of gravity)

If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth how much pounds would you weigh on Mars?

Gravitational acceleration at Mars' surface = 3.7 m/sec2 = (3.7/9.8) = 0.3776 of its value at earth's surface.An object that weighs 115 on earth would weigh [ 115 x (3.7/9.8) ] = 43.418 on Mars. (rounded)

What is the gravitational forces on Mars?

The acceleration of gravity on the surface of Mars is 3.7 m/sec2 (12.1 ft/sec2). That's about 38% of the acceleration of gravity on the surface of earth. So for every 100 newtons (or 100 pounds) that something weighs on earth, it would weigh about 38 newtons (or 38 pounds) on Mars.

Could you jump higher on Venus or on Mars?

Mars. Because if you weigh 105 pounds here on earth then you would weigh 39.5 pounds on Mars while on Venus you would weigh 95.2. The whole jump height is all about the amount of force in Newtons you put into it and how much you weigh. So net time you think "Could you jump higher on Venus or on Mars?" Just think about the weight you have and the amount of force you put into it.

How strong will the pull of gravity on mars than on earth?

An object that weighs 100 pounds on earth would weigh about 37.9 pounds on Mars.

How much does 50kg weigh on Mars?

All you need to know to answer this question is the acceleration due to gravity on Mars, which is 3.71 m/s. Plugging that number into the equation F = m*gm, where F is the force on the object due to gravity, also called its weight, m is the mass of the object and gm is the acceleration due to gravity on Mars. The result is 185.5 kg*m/s or 185.5 N.

If you weighed 1001 lbs on earth what would you weigh on Mars?

Weight depends on the gravitational pull of a planet. On Mars, which has about 38% of Earth's gravity, you would weigh about 380 lbs.

What would you weigh on Mars if you weigh 108 pounds?

On Mars, you'd weigh 41.04 pounds.

What is your weight on the moon if you weigh 330 newtons?

If that is your eath weight then you weigh 54.6-non the moon,about 124.9-n on Mars, and about 834.2-n on Jupiter.

Does something weight the same on mars as it does on the earth?

No. An object on Mars would weigh about 38% of what it does on Earth. The _mass_ would be the same, however, so you would be able to lift it easier, but pushing it and stopping it would be the same as on Earth.

If you weigh 100 pounds here how much will weigh on mars?

On Mars, you would weigh about 37.8% of your weight on Earth. So if you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh approximately 38 pounds on Mars.