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Q: How much would willie and millie salt and pepper shakers?
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What words would you associate with salt and pepper shakers?

Pair, twin, couple, set.

What came first salt or pepper?

Not exactly sure. Both salt and pepper have been cultivated for the past 4000 years (by the Assyrians and Indians, respectively). However salt comes from rock, whereas pepper comes from a plant that must be ground before use. I would say salt.

give a prounoun that would replace the underlined nouns in the sentence willie,tillie,and millie are triplets?

um nothing

Why do salt shakers always have one hole?

The number of holes in salt and pepper shakers varies by culture, health and taste. Here in the US excessive salt is considered bad for you, so the salt shaker is the one with the fewer holes, but in parts of Europe it's the other way around.

Do Shakers celebrate Christmas or Easter?

Shakers would celebrate Christmas. They no longer exist as a religion.

Why do some states prohibit foodservice establishments from using sugar bowls at tables?

My guess would be because someone could contaminate the bowl with practically anything, but then many types of salt and pepper shakers might be subject to the same laws.

What could you give to someone with the part of Millie in throughly modern millie as a gift?

I would give her a steno pad with the thoroughly modern millie logo on it and maybe a quote like: "Stenog, for now."- Millie Dilmount. Well, that is one idea.

What is slivered sweet green pepper?

A "sweet green pepper" would be a bell pepper or a cherry pepper. "Slivered" would be slicing it thinly.

Where was millie from thoroughly modern millie from?

Millie was from Salina, Kansas then moved to New York City, New York and turned into a flapper and when she gets mugged who would have though that it was going to change her life forever!

How do you use pepper as noun and verb in a sentence?

Noun: "I added a sprinkle of black pepper to my soup for extra flavor." Verb: "Can you please pepper the chicken with herbs before grilling it?"

How much crushed red pepper would one small dried pepper yield?

how much crushed red pepper would one small dried pepper yield

Is the hottest pepper a Mexican pepper or the eastern pepper?

Wee, if you are looking for the hottest pepper int he world it would be the Bhut Jolokia, or other names for it would be the Naja Jolokia, the Ghost Pepper or the California Death Pepper. if you are looking for either the Mexican pepper or the Eastern pepper is hotter, it is the Mexican I'm pretty sure.