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Q: How much years can a Labrador live up to the live up to 14 years?
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How old can a labrador live for?

Labrador Retriever can live up to 10-12 years.

How old do labs live to be?

The average life span of a Labrador is 10-12 human years (70-84 dog years).But my Labrador lived 14 years so it varies.

How long do Labrodor Retreivers live?

the average Labrador lives to usually up to 14 years,but some live longer.

How long does a golden labrador live?

It will live about 10-14 years. Aren't those dogs so cute? Beautiful dogs!!!

How do labador retrievers live in human years?

Like most dogs, Labradors are counted seven years as they live one year. For example, if you had your labrador for three years it would be 21 years old in human years. My dog is two so he is actually 14.

How long do labrador retrievers live for?

How long a Lab might live depends mostly on the health of the animal. I had a lab and she ended up getting cushins disease (seizures) and we had to put her to sleep when she was only 8 yrs old. But if your lab is in good health and has no physical issues then your pet might live quite a bit longer.Answer #2Well, some dogs don't live to long and others might. I had a chocolate Labrador and he lived 15 years until we had to put him down.

How much does a Yorkshire terrier live?

Yorkies usually live 14-16 years.

How long do Labrador dogs live?

The rule of thumb is that the bigger a dog is the shorter the lifespan. Great Danes live about 7 years on average. Labs being considerable smaller can live till 12-14 usually.A Labrador will live for about 12-14 years.A healthy, well-cared-for Lab should live to be ca. 12-15 years.about 15

How long does a lab live?

All Labrador retrievers have a life expectancy of 10-12 years of age. The color of the dog doesn't impact it's lifespan.

How much sleep a labarador need?

A labrador retriever needs as much sleep as other dogs, 12-14 hours.

How long does a Golden Retreiver live?

I think they usually live for about 12 years to 14 years at the latest. 14 is getting up there, though.

How much a cat will be alive?

On average, cats can live from 12 to 14 years and can live up to 20. There is one cat named Cream Puff who is 38 years old.