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When the arm is spun so that the thumb point to the outside of the body, meaning the palm of the hand looks forward then it is said the hand is supinated. But when the thumb remains in the inside and the palm looks backwards then it is said that the hand is pronated. In this diagram one hands is pronated and the other supinated in order to show how the ulna and the radius cross while doing this movement.

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11y ago
  • The arm is made from three long bones, linked by a hinge joint at the elbow.
  • The two bones of the lower arm are the radius and the ulna.
  • The radius supports the thumb side of the wrist.
  • The ulnar supports the outside of the wrist.
  • The wrist is one of the best places to test the pulse, since major arteries come nearer the surface here than at almost any other place in the body.
  • 17w intricate network of bones in your hands enables you to perform delicate and complex movements like writing or playing a musical instrument.
  • The upper arm bone is called the humerus or, jokingly, the funny bone.
  • The two major muscles of the upper arm are the biceps (which bends the elbow) and the triceps (which straightens it).
  • The hand is made from 26 bones, including the carpals (wrist bones), the metacarpals (hand bones) and the phalanges (finger bones).
  • There are no strong muscles in the hand. When you grip firmly, most of the power comes from muscles in the lower arm, linked to the bones of the hand by long tendons.
  • The shoulder is one of the most flexible but least stable joints of the skeleton, since it is set in a very shallow socket. But it is supported by six major muscle groups, including the powerful deltoid (shoulder) muscle.
  • Look at the inside of your wrist on a warm day and you may be able to see the radial artery beneath the skin.
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12y ago

They are called Biceps.

And Triceps.

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Q: How muscles are in a human arm?
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How many muscles does the human arm have?

there about 50 muscles in your arm and hand and i don't know how many are in the sholder

How many muscles are in a human arm?


The triceps and biceps are?

Muscles in your arm.These are the muscles of your upper arm.

How many muscles are in the youth human body?

600to 650 are in the youth human body counting the arm and leg muscles.

What muscles allows you to raise your arm laterally?

The triceps is the muscles that allows the human beings to raise their arms laterally. By doing this it allows the humerus clear.

What parts of the human body are used when sprinting?

leg muscles and some times your arm muscles, your brain and your heart for pumping blood.

What is the main function of the muscle in the human arm?

There are many muscles in the human arm; overall the main point is to position the hand where it needs to be to grab and manipulate something, such as food or a tool.

The muscles of the arm are what to the skin of the arm?

The muscles of the arm are natural tighteners to the skin of the arm

What muscles are used in catching a ball?

the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs. the arm muscles which are called reflexs.

What muscles are used in cheering?

you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles. you use your leg muscles alot and your arm muscles.

What happens to muscles when you straighten your arm?

There are many arm muscles. The triceps (on the back of your upper-arm) contract when you straighten your arm, and the biceps (the front of the upper-arm) relaxes.

How does muscle action result in the movement of body parts?

The arm is made up of two main muscles (biceps & triceps) for the arm to move one of these muscles must contract and the other must relax. Which muscle does which depends on which way you are moving your arm.Additional answerThis does not mention the muscles in the forearm, which mainly move the hand, or the muscle in the shoulder, deltoid, which lifts the arm.