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i dont know

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Marco Meza

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alexa lolz

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Shawn Williams

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Helps them hide from predators.

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Q: How natural selection allows beetles that are camouflaged to flourish in their environment?
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Are meal worms endangered?

No. Mealworms are the larvae of mealworm beetles. Mealworms/beetles are common. They eat a range of foods and are easy to breed. They are common research subjects. It's not a bad idea for questions about endangerment to include the locality you are interested in.

What is the rhinoceros Beetle scientific name?

Hi, First of all I have to say that, I'm just a Beetle lover freak. Then I'll say it depends on, because every species have a specific scientific name and there are some common names for famous families, subfamilies, species or something and so on, like rhinoceros beetles or rhino beetle. ---- Actually according to some references The rhinoceros beetles are a subfamily (Dynastinae) of beetles in the family of scarab beetles (Scarabaeidae) [], and as far as I know, there's a Well-known species of rhino beetles with the popular name of "European Rhinoceros Beetle" and its scientific name is (Oryctes nasicornis), a large flying beetle (6 cm) [], as a matter of fact "that species (Oryctes nasicornis) maniacally looks like a rhinoceros" and I think that's why its common name is "Rhinoceros Beetle" And Go to see this pic ...If it is meant to.

What are the first bugs on a dead body?

The first bugs on a dead body are flies and beetles. Maggots and beetle larvae are also found on a dead body.

Evolution by natural selection results in what?

Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms. The organism that is selected leaves more alleles of his progeny in the populations gene pool and evolution is just the change of that allele frequency over time in populations.

What is that red substance?

If it is a food colouring, it may be made from the cochineal beetles. If a paint, it is probably made from a mineral pigment. It may otherwise be tomato sauce, or blood. Take your pick.

Related questions

How do stag beetles fit the model for natural selection?

When it comes to natural selection, only the strongest stag beetles survive to reproduce. During reproduction, they pass their genes off to the offspring.

What is the niche of the beetles?

To decompose all the waste of an environment.

Why was the theory of natural selection criticised?

Natural selection would also destroy the species because sometimes it also leads to some harmful effects of the species.E.g : if in a population of red beetles a green beetle arises,the green beetle would multiply in number as they are not identified by the crows as the colour of the bushes in which the beetles live and the colour of the beetle would be same.whereas the red beetles would be eaten by the crows and so the beetles population would reduce.

How does beetle procure its food?

Some beetles procure their food simply by landing on a leaf. Other beetles feed on the waste of other creatures. Beetles are found both on land and in the water and are adaptable to nearly any environment.

What kind of beetles live in Michigan?

American Burying Beetles, Asian Longhorned Beetles, Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetles, Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles, Six-Banded Longhorn Beetles, Cantrall's Bog Beetles, Black Lordithon Rove Beetles, Douglas Stenelmis Riffle Beetles, Leaf Beetles, Dryopid Beetles, Predaceous Diving Beetles, Whirligig Beetles, Crawling Water Beetles, Minute Moss Beetles, Water Scavenger Beetles, Firefly Beetles, Travertine Beetles, Burrowing Water Beetles, Water Pennies, Toad-Winged Beetles, Marsh Beetles, Emerald Ash Borer, Cottonwood Borer, and many more types of beetles live in Michigan.

What do grubs turn into?

Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.Certain beetles and other insects.

What causes allele frequencies to change during genetic drift?

Genetic drift is the spread of specific random variations throughout the gene pool in the absence of specific selection pressures. There's always random variation in the population, but there aren't always changes in the environment for the population to adapt to. So natural selection, in stead of moving the population towards adaptation, might select from that random variation to move 'sideways', as it were, to a state that's equally well-adapted to the environment as what came before, but different. As random variation may produce many variants that are, more or less, equally well-adapted to their environment, the direction of evolution that results is more or less random.

What kinds of beetles live on long island?

There are many types of beetles found on Long Island. This includes, powder post beetles, Asian beetles, bark beetles, citrus long horned beetles, old house beetles, and the ladybug.

What kind of beetles are noted for their funeral services?

carrion beetles are that kind of beetles

Are beetles insects?

Beetles are insects.

Do beetles have brains?

Why would you ask a question like that?!!??

Moths and butterflies are different but are beetles and water beetles the same?

No, they're not the same water beetles live in the water and beetles live on land.