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Natural selection would also destroy the species because sometimes it also leads to some harmful effects of the species.

E.g : if in a population of red beetles a green beetle arises,the green beetle would multiply in number as they are not identified by the crows as the colour of the bushes in which the beetles live and the colour of the beetle would be same.whereas the red beetles would be eaten by the crows and so the beetles population would reduce.

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Charles Darwin contributed to the evolutionary theory through study of natural selection.

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The theory of evolution by means of natural selection.

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The theory of evolution by natural selection. Evolution is a fact explained by the theory. Short explanation. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying individuals.

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Nice? The theory of evolution by natural selection is the best and best supported explanation for the fact of evolution we have, but it just is and a word such as " nice " would not always fit theory. Google Ichneumon wasp to see that natural selection is not always " nice. "

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