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Q: How nature filters water as it travels to underground aquifers?
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No, bromine exists in nature. It is common in seawater, and in underground aquifers that have been exposed to seawater in the "recent" past.

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Which purifier improves air quality without disposable filters?

They all need disposable filters, or will wear out quickly. That's sadly the nature of these units.

Are underground rivers found in nature?

Yes they are. In example, Wookey Hole in Somerse, England.

What things in nature cause weathering?

The climate or the weather causes weathering. If you mean seeds, then ice, rain, snow, foot traffic, and stomach acid of animals weather the seeds. In turn, it makes sprouting easier. If you mean erosion in general, then ice, rain, melting snow, wind, human or animal traffic, avalanches, and underground aquifers could all be contributing factors.

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In nature, you could find it in sea water, magnesite, and dolomite.

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It's pretty much a universal law of nature that everything travels in astraight path unless something else acts on it and causes it to bend.

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So many things wont to kill it above ground ...

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