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The narwhal has one calf every three years.

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Q: How often do female narwhals have calves?
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Do narwhals lay eggs or have live young?

Narwhals give birth to live calves.

How often do narwhals have calves?

Theoretically, once they're sexually active, female narwhals could deliver calves about every 3 - 3-1/2 years. The season that females mate tends to run from winter to spring, with April as the peak month. The length of time that they carry the young before giving birth is 14-15 months. The length of time that they nurse their young is about 12 months, or one year.

What are baby narwhals called?

Calves represent the name that is given to baby Narwhals. One baby narwhal will be called a calf. They therefore will share the terminology with the young calves of cows, dolphins, elephants and whales.

Do baby narwhals have a special name?

baby narwhals are called a calf or two would be called calves.

What is a female bull calf known as?

There is no such thing. Bull calves are male, never either male or female. Female calves are called heifer calves.

Fo female narwals have horns?

Only about 15% of female narwhals have a horn. Almost all male narwhals have a horn.

How much do narwhals weigh?

Adult male narwhals tend to weigh more than adult females. The male may weigh as much as 1,600 kilograms/3,500 pounds. The female may weigh as much as 1,000 kilograms/2,200 pounds.Bulls (Male narwhals) weigh about 1 ¾ T (3,500 lb) and grow about 15-20 ft, excluding the large tusk. Cows (female narwhals) weigh about 1 1/5T (2,200lb) and grow about 13-16 ft. Calves (Young narwhals) weigh about 175-220 lbs and are about 5 ft long.

Do female narwhals have a horn?

No..Only the males do.

How big are male narwhals?

well female and male narwhals are the same length whitch is 18 to 20 feet long

What animals live around narwhals?

Narwhals and Beluga whales often travel in the same region of the ocean.

What is the average weight of a Holstein calf?

Depends on its sex and age. Older calves weigh more than younger or newborn calves; male calves weigh more than female calves.

How long is a female narwhals horn?

2 through 4 feet long