

How often do female rats go into heat?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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For female animals, they go in heat about every 6 months.

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Every 4 to 5 days.

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Q: How often do female rats go into heat?
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NO. it is a bladder infection and GO TO A VET.

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I was told by my vet that they don't usually go into heat, it depends if you have a female on her own. I have a female Russian dwarf and she lives on her own and the vet said she wont go into heat.

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They can get pregnant again, immediately after they give birth. So if you don't want more baby rats, keep the male rat in a separate cage when the mother is giving birth.

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every 6 to 12 months unless fixed if fixed no more heat and maybe depending on breed age may diminish it

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Female dogs go into heat usually once a year. Sometimes they can go twice, in the fall and spring.

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