

How often do giraffes eat in an day?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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As often as they can. Giraffes are continuous grazers.

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as often as they can..

How much giraffes eat?

Giraffes eat about 70 pounds of food a day

How do giraffes eat grass?

Rarely, and with difficulty. Giraffes, due to their anatomy, really prefer to browse on leaves, branches and twigs. Ground vegetation as grass is simply difficult for giraffes to get to. Giraffes in zoos often eat a fair amount of hay, but then from elevated feeding platforms. Giraffes don't eat grass. They only eat Acacia leaves.

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The answer is: TWICE A DAY

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no never eat other Giraffes.

How many twigs giraffes eat?

a tree a day maybe 2

Why do giraffes eat bones?

well giraffes dont eat bones! giraffes eat leaves and other grasses where ever you heard that giraffes eat bones is wrong!!!!!!!

What do girffes eat at daytime?

Giraffes tend to eat leaves off of tall trees during the day

Who much does a giraffe eat?

Giraffes eat up to 75 pounds a day (typically acacia leaves)

Do giraffes eat deer?

No, giraffes do not eat deer. Giraffes are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. Deer don't live in the same places as giraffes, either.

How much do girafffes eat?

Giraffes can eat 65 pounds of twigs and leaves a day but they can survive on 15 pounds.

What do giraffes eat on roar?

giraffes are herbivores im not sure about carnivores so giraffes are herbivores and they eat plants