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Q: How often do most people urinate?
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Related questions

What drinks make you urinate the most?

Diuretics like caffeine and alcohol make you urinate more often than normal. Drinking a lot of water wil also do the job.

What are the Physiological effects of diabetes?

the most common are you feel more tired , you go to the loo more often to urinate

Do people drool after they die?

When people die, they often expel their bodily fluids. It would not be uncommon for a deceased person to drool, urinate, or defecate.

Why do people urinate in the morning?

People urinate in the morning to excrete liquid waste from their bladders.

What are the reasons baby bunnies don't urinate?

The kits (babies) still urinate but they are small animals and don't go often. My Flemish Giant didn't urinate a lot when he was a kit but since he's grown he goes more often.

Why do we urinate after drinking caffeine?

The liver is breaking it down so quickly that its trying to get it out of your body causing you to have to urinate often.

Why do people um urinate?

People urinate because people eat and drink foods and liquids. They empty the digested food/liquid by urinating.

What does the void mean?

In medication terminology, it often means "urinate."

What does it mean if you can't urinate when people are around?

Surprising at as this may sound, being unable to urinate in public is often a sign of mild social phobia. This is a common problem, especially among adolescents and young adults, that most people outgrow as they become more secure and self-confident. If you feel especially anxious or concerned about the situation, you may want to talk with a health care professional.

Do bears urinate in the woods?

Only when they aren't in your bathroom. Just kidding. Bears urinate wherever they happen to be, whenever they feel like it. Since most bears spend much time in the woods, that's probably where they urinate most often.

What de nave?

This is the poo place in the toliet. People come to disregard jesus and how he sucks. It is where they boo him. They often urinate on his cross. It is called the nave

Does marmoset monkeys urinate on people?