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Nurses are not routinely tested for HIV for employment in the US. HIV is not a barrier to working in the health care industry.

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Q: How often do nurses get tested for HIV?
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Is every patient tested for HIV before surgery?

The patient is not tested for HIV prior to surgery.

What is a the minimum age for testing for HIV in the US and particularly in Wash. DC?

There is no minimum age for HIV testing. In fact, infants are often tested.

What do people get their blood tested for when they have been exposed to HIV?

It is tested to determine if the body is producing antibodies to HIV.

Is gonnoreha coorleated to HIV?

Gonorrhea and HIV have the same risk factors. Patients with HIV should be tested annually for gonorrhea. All patients with gonorrhea should be tested for HIV.

How can someone find out they have HIV?

You will need to be tested to confirm you have HIV.

Do prisoners get tested for HIV?

Each prison facility is different. Often times, no, prisoners are not tested for HIV. Sometimes, prisons allow agencies to provide testing to inmates. However, if someone were to test HIV positive in the prison, the prison is then resposible for their medical care, which is expensive. That plays a role in why many facilities only allow prisoners to be tested directly before being released.

How do you find if you have HIV?

You must be tested.

If you are tested at 6 month and it is Negative can you still have HIV?

Very unlikely, unless you have had other exposures to the HIV since you last tested.

Will HIV shown up in malaria test?

No it will not. HIV must be specifically tested for.

Is 2 weeks to soon to take the HIV Test?

With HIV tests it is most often best to be tested around 6 months after possible contact with HIV positive person. With this being said HIV can take up to a year before showing positive and sometimes people will not test positive for even longer. Always get tested every 6 months for possible STD's.

Are there nurses with AIDs?

Yes, there is a nursing specialization in HIV/AIDS.

Is it ok to keep HIV secret for ex boyfriends so they dont get a chance to be tested?

hiv should not be kept a secret. If you have hiv you have a responsibility to inform anyone who may get it or have gotten it from you so they can be tested