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That's one very good question. It depends on the personalities of the two people. One may be extroverted, while the other quiet and more laid back. Personally, when my husband gets home from work, he has his shower and then we sit down for a cup of tea and talk about 1/2 - 1 hour and ask how each other's day went. It's called "touching base" and communicating. In modern society it's so rushed and so hard to find sometime to just sit and talk, but making the time is so important to a relationship. My husband and I also have our dinner, then take the dog for a walk. Depending on what there is to do the walk can last 1/2 hour to 1 1/2 hours. We enjoy it, and not only is it good exercise, but we get to talk, joke around and not forget we belong to each other. Sit down with your partner and decide what is the best time for both of you to just talk. It never works if you just first sit down across from each other because suddenly one will say to the other, "Well, I don't know what to talk about." It's a new twist in life and it's like someone catching you off guard and asking you what you want for your birthday. Start going for a walk in the evening. If you can't walk in a safe place, get in the car and drive to a safe place and start walking. Hold hands, and the talk doesn't have to be about serious things, but just joking and touching base with each other.

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Q: How often do you talk per day if you're in a serious relationship and you both work and are busy?
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