

How often does Chandra send its pictures back to Earth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Every 6-8 months

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Q: How often does Chandra send its pictures back to Earth?
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Spain. The reason Spain was the country that children often tape pictures of fish on there friends back is because it was a sign of friendship and love, usually given to and from best friends or friends that have known eachother for many years.

In what did children often tape pictures of fish on their friends back?

The act of taping pictures of fish to the backs of classmates is a prank done by French children on April Fools' Day. They refer to this as April Fish Day.

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You will find items which you can buy to decorate your room from the shops in Monstro City. Items rotate often so keep checking back!

Do you have a picture of the Colorado flag?

Wiki is unable to provide you with a photo. If you have a US history textbook look in the back appendix there are often pictures of the state flags.

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The mars rover is a robot sent to mars to take samples and pictures for scientists to analyse back on earth, for detailed information i suggest Wikipeia