

How often does Neptune line up with Earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Two points (or bodies) always line up. You need to add a third to make things interesting.

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Q: How often does Neptune line up with Earth?
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How many times can earth fit into Neptune?

So Neptune is 50,500km squared - Earth 510 000 000 km squared so the earth is 34 times bigger than Neptune so Neptune can fit into Earth is about 34 times but only 1/34 of the Earth would fill up Neptune. Kimberleigh Storath

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The planet "Neptune" is a greenish color with a blueish hue, as observed from Earth.

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a lot! it takes about 10,980 earth days to make up a year for neptune to go around the sun and back!

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shut the up talker

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It takes about 60 Earth's

Do seasonal temperatures occur on Neptune?

I was searching this up and i think it does occur on Neptune because it's axis is tilted almost like Earth's.

How is Neptune's environment different from Earth?

Neptune's atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane. Like Earth's atmosphere, Neptune's has clouds and storm systems that revolve around the planet, but with wind speeds of 300 m/sec (700 mi/hr), and clouds of frozen methane

How old will you be on Neptune if you are born in 2000?

I image you are asking the age in terms of Neptune years or days. The Neptune year is about 164 earth years and each Neptune solar year is made of about 89666 Neptune solar days. This means that a Neptune solar day has a duration of about 1.5 earth days. Since January the first of year 2000, 4295 earth solar days are elapsed up to October 4 2012. This means that a person that was born on the earth on the first day of year 2000, when it is October 4 2012 on earth has an age of about 2863 Neptune days. They correspond to about 0.031 Neptune solar years, but the fact has to be considered that no man lives a whole Neptune year :-)

What is the amount of sunlight on Neptune?

Neptune, the planet that is the farthest known of the solar system, if you discount Pluto, is located 30.047 times farther away from the Sun than Earth is, at 2,793,100,000 miles, while earth is 93,000,000 miles from the Sun. Only about one thousandth of the Sunlight received by Earth reaches Neptune. Yet, with that small amount of sunlight the atmosphere of Neptune is significantly affected. To sum this up, Neptune only gets about 1/900 the sunlight of earth.

What is the land mass of Neptune?

What do you mean with "land mass"? Neptune doesn't have continents like Earth. It is a gas giant - made up mainly of gas.

Would you need sunglasses on Neptune?

No. Neptune is so far from the Sun that it looks like a bright star from Neptune. Incidentally, before the Voyager probe left our Solar System it turned it's camera to take a picture of the Earth from Neptune. One pixel element was all that the whole Earth took up.